September 30th, 2016

Our First Date

When we were both at Penn, we were set up on a blind date to go to Rathnam's fraternity date night in September 2016. As the night went on, we had so much fun joking, laughing, and dancing the night away! Nothing more romantic than a grimy fraternity house!

May 26th, 2018

Rathnam's Graduation

We dated through our time at Penn, but then Rathnam graduated in 2018 and moved to Boston. Rathnam was sad to be leaving Shanthi in Philadelphia during her senior year, but he knew they were going to stay close and talk every day. Rathnam was excited to introduce Shanthi to his whole family at his graduation and Shanthi loved his family as much as she loved him! 

May 18th, 2019

Shanthi Graduates

We called each other every day and scheduled visits between Philly and Boston. As Shanthi's graduation approached in May 2019, she was inconsolable. She had accepted a job in Seattle, across the country from Rathnam. Then she realized - she is a master networker! Shanthi cold-emailed a manager in the Boston office and transferred her offer to Boston. We were so excited to start our future in Boston!

January, 8th, 2020

Moving to Boston

Shanthi moved to Boston and we were reunited! From Red Sox games to sailing on the Charles river, it was a blast to be back together again! 

April 8th, 2022


After living through a pandemic, we had so much fun together on trips to France, Norway, and Puerto Rico in 2022!

September 24th, 2022

Our Proposal

We got engaged on September 24th 2022 in Chicago! Rathnam had all of our parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents hiding behind a bush to pop out and surprise us after. After the proposal, Rathnam organized a surprise engagement party and had all our friends fly in to Chicago to join in the fun!